From 2006 to 2014 Angela Ahrendts served as CEO of Burberry, a venerable British brand founded in 1856 known for its trench coats, cashmere scarves and iconic check. She was pivotal in Burberry’s return to popularity. Angela is currently Apple’s senior vice president of retail and online stores and is responsible for the operation and expansion of Apple retail and online stores, which have redefined the shopping experience for hundreds of millions of customers around the world.
One of keys to revitalizing Burberry was that she set her level of excellence high by creating the stage for connectivity, trust, and innovation. She states:
Trust is truly at the heart of it all. If trust is your core value, you hire accordingly. I interviewed a lot senior management people, and at this level, competence and experience are a given; trust is the difference maker. When I look them in the eye I’m asking myself: Do I trust them? Do I get the feeling they trust me? Do they get vision? This is the starting point for everything we do.
How was this level of excellence practically implemented? Ahrendts made a decision to create a conversational forum that included everyone in the company and encouraged people to communicate directly with her and others on the senior team, moving employees from the protect mode into a share and collaborate mode. She created a culture where everyone could talk what was on their minds. Angela says this about the Burberry culture:
You should feel a culture, and a brand. A culture is a living brand. We will build a brand by building the culture. What’s right for the brand? It became a higher purpose. How could our employees help us create not only a great brand but also a great company?
When people trust people, you can share your insecurities and use them to build bridges. This openness and transparency connects us to each other in a totally new way. When you openly acknowledge you can’t do it without the other person, ego gets replaced by the knowledge that we’re all in this together.
What makes trust the heart of it all? Trust is the factor that generates a willingness to feel open enough to be inclusive, interactive, and intentional. Human beings have a need to belong and neuroscientists consider this to be even more powerful than the need for physical safety and security.
A fearful state of mind “alters” the way we see and experience reality, the way we interact with others, and how much we are willing to engage, innovate, and speak our minds.
When trust is absent we perceive reality through a threatened lense:
Experience the environment as threatening
Retreat to protect ourselves
Become sensitive to being wrong or embarrassed
Behave differently
The implications of perceiving through a threatened lense:
Reveal less than what we know or what is helpful to move forward
Expect more than what is possible
Assume the worst of others
Look at situations with caution
Interpret communications with fear
Tell secrets we promise not to tell
Become yes people to avoid confronting truth
When trust is prominent we:
Reveal more
Expect less and over deliver
Assume the best of others
Look at a situation with an open heart
Interpret communications through truth and facts
Tell the truth
Become yes people to confront truth
Bottom Line:
Trust is the glue that holds an organization together.
Everything begins with a foundation of trust.
Trust is the core of effective conversation.